The artist activities up to the 1 Breath Time discovery (partial list)
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Emilio: Direct Action - Why ?!
Ramat-Hovav / burning soil | Bank Hapoaalim / Corps | Loud Silence | Ghost tower | Earth day 2001 | Pollute pool | Man to Babla transformation | White Butterfly |
Uncertainty ? | Low-Tech Guillotine | Closed space @ Ramat-Hovav | Nylon bags:Cheap thinking | Earth day 2002

- Closed space @ Ramat-Hovav -
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7 baalot (a big brick made from dense straw covered with concrete) placed in front of the Ramat-Hovav main entrance. The Baalot marked with skeletons & question marks, act as a reminder of what is going on at Ramat-Hovav.

Date: November 2001

- Ramat-Hovav, burning soil-
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A festival in which 500 Jewish and beduin held at night torches along the 1.4 Kilometer outline of the man saying STOP!

Date: 8/2000

- A Corp on a bicycle @ ramat-hovav -
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No more politics in Ramat-Hovav !

Happening Date: 4/2002

- Bank Hapoalim / Corps-
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The Direct Action was in front of the central Bank Hapoalim at Rotshild, Tel-Aviv, because Hapoalim is Funding Trans-Israel Highway.

Date: 12/2000

- A laud Silence-
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1000 people holding hands, covering their mouths, in silence for 15 minutes.
A loud silence against globalization. Emilio directs the people that he brought from a nearby event that aimed to the same agenda.
Date: 12/2000

- Ghost tower-
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Emilio built a 10 meter construction covered by magnified American dollars in one hour near the Knesset of Israel as a protest of construction of future high buildings in the Old City of Jerusalem which will mutilate its landscape.
Date: 1/2001

- Earth day 2001-
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Letting children express themselves with discarded advertisement tags.
The idea was to bring home the link between consumption and the consequent pollution.
All the material used in this happening was collected by Emilio from the junk.

- Polluted pool-
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The ongoing megalomaniac project known as the Trans-Israel Highway
Will cause further pollution of Israel water resources.

- Man to Babla transformation -
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Emilio, naked in a cocoon he made in babla technic, started a transformation from a man to a babla. 800 people danced in the same huge space and on the walls were projected Call Up Art video messages , showed a strange stage in the evolution which can end up with this selfish society and the environment.

- ? Uncertainty ? -
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Uncertainty- 8 hours that Emilio talked about what is to become: destruction of the civilizations.

- Low-Tech Guillotine -
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Low-Tech Guillotine: When the limited water for drinking ends, the oceans will be gray and can kill only from their smell, what is left from the developed world will be hell. If you are fat you are a good meal.
The happening was in front of a famous art center in Tel Aviv. 300 people saw the guillotine cut over and over, operated by a naked man.

- Nylon bags:Cheap thinking -
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A happening against the construction of another coal power station took place in Ashkelon, Israel

With the participation of Green Course students.

Happening date: May 3, 2002

- Earth day 2002-
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Emilio and Hadar Zanhani have assembled a band especially to the earth day named Asthma, which performs original songs, based on Call UP messages.

- White butterfly -
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White butterfly: Walking in the purity before land mutilation.

- No shoping day 2001 -
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- Train instead of Trans-Israel Highway -
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Date 2001

Why ?!
In 2000, my first child, Mayaan, was born. The feeling of bringing a child into this cruel and polluted world made a transformation in me. Until then I was occupied in translating my emotions through painting and sculpturing, not really trying to save the world.

I have started to do happenings for the purpose of attracting public opinion and response to the absurd in which we live as a result of the “progress” driven by the consumption habits.

Constantly I am coming up with new ideas for happenings, some of them become a reality with minimum preparation.
Wrapping everything with art and using skills like standup and acting, inventing new techniques on the spot, made the new transition easy.

Most of the happenings I did were without police approval, because I believe in the acts I did, and in a democratic country a man has the freedom to express himself, even if it is not in a regular way.